Trusting the Process with Erin Willett of The Biggest Loser

Erin Willett discusses how important it was for her to focus on and trust the process while she was on The Biggest Loser (where she lost a whopping 87lbs).
Even after 3 months of working out and losing 30 pounds, Erin still looked in the mirror and was wondering when she would start seeing results. This is well beyond the point that most people would have given up…
So many people give up when working towards their goals because they don’t see the results that they want to see, when they want to see them.
This is the problem with focusing on the OUTCOME, not the PROCESS. Fix this by focusing solely on the PROCESS.
What we can control, and what we need to focus on, is consistently working towards our goal, every single day. For Erin that meant sticking to her her diet and workout regimen, every single day — even when she didn’t feel like it.
Key Takeaway:
Focus on the process by determining what you need to do to achieve your goal, then go and do it, everyday.
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