75+ Millionaires, Olympians & More Offer Their Best Advice

I want to quickly catch you up on a really exciting project that I’m working on…
Two months ago, I quit my consulting job in New York City. Why? I wanted to chase the typical millennial dream of working for myself. Pretty basic, I know. Without much of a plan I packed up my apartment and moved to Medellín, Colombia.
The endless cycle of living for the weekends and dreading Mondays just didn’t sit right with me. Not during my early twenties, the most important time of my life. I committed to making the most of my twenties and went all in on pursuing my dream.
I didn’t know what to do. The internet was full of unhelpful, fluffy self-help advice of “Find your passion. Follow your purpose.”
I wanted more. I wanted actionable practical advice backed by results.
So, what did I do? I went straight to the source.
I contacted my role models and people I admired. People who had already achieved the success I was after.
Not just a few though. As many as I could possibly think of.
I asked each of these individuals to provide me with their very best piece of advice to their younger 20-something self.
I wasn’t expecting much, but within a few weeks, my inbox started filling up with responses. Within a few weeks I had received responses from fifty, then sixty, then seventy individuals. I was shocked.
Before I knew it I had spoken with 75+ bestselling authors, super bowl champions, CEOs worth millions, Olympic gold medalists and many more incredible individuals. And the best part? The advice I had received really did change my life.
Maybe you’re in a similar position as I was in a few months ago… Working a job that doesn’t fulfill you, doing work you’re not passionate about, and just feeling kind of stuck and not sure what to do next. I get it.
Now, I’m on a mission. I want as many 20-somethings as possible to get their eyes on this advice.
It changed my life and it will surely change yours.
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