I'm having a mid-blog crisis...and I need your help

Alright, time for a little heart-to-heart.
I’m having a mid-blog crisis. No, don’t worry, I’m not getting frosted tips, a tattoo, buying a new convertible or going on weight-watchers. But hear me out…
First, an apology…
These last 2 months or so have been hectic for me — I’ve taken a new job, apartment-hunted in the world’s premier concrete jungle, visited a new country for training and will be moving to a brand new city this weekend, starting the next chapter of my life.
With all this going on, I haven’t put as much time in to ADH as I should have — and I’m sorry about that.
I’m sorry because I didn’t start this website to half-ass it.
There are 10 million blogs out there floating around the internet. Most of them suck. They are useless. The author started the blog, wrote a couple shitty posts then hung it up, never to be heard from again. Well, ADH is NOT and will never be one of those sites.
I want to enhance your quality of life with epic, relevant content that directly improves your life. I want you to be excited to visit my site, excited to read my articles and excited to share what you’ve learned with friends.
I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all those who have already shown your support and shared your words of encouragement with me. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all your thoughtful comments, valuable insights and hearing your own personal stories. Hearing that my stuff has positively impacted you only fuels my fire and further motivates me.
Again, I want to build a thriving COMMUNITY of like-minded, passionate and kick-ass people like you and me. A community that you are proud to be a part of.
And the only way that happens is if I devote the appropriate amount of energy, focus and dedication to creating epic, kick-ass content.
And I promise you I’m going to do that.
We’re 5 months in from when my blog started, and in the next 5 months I want to grow this community to 5x its current size .
But building a killer community is just the start. I have big, big plans for this site. I’m talking big, life-changing projects and products that I want you to be a part of.
I am extremely passionate about ADH and about the content that we cover on here – I may be some punk 20-something but but I firmly believe that no matter who you are, no matter how young you are, no matter what your pedestal is – you can make a difference, and you can positively impact others.
I am in the process of re-assessing my various goals and how to best serve you. It would absolutely make my day if you do the following three things to help me make this happen:
1. Tell me what have you enjoyed most so far from ADH
2. Tell me one problem you have or concept you wish to learn about regarding fitness, travel or positive psychology
3. Continue to be the awesome and engaged reader that you have been from the start!
I can’t wait to hear from you and thank you in advance for your support! Comment below, send an email to matt@differenthunger.com or head on over to the Contact page to share your thoughts!
Much love.