Fuck Your Goals

As individuals and as a society, we are way too focused on the outcome of our efforts. We judge our success on a binary scale of 0 or 1. If we didn’t achieve our desired outcome, then we failed.
This is a massive problem that needs to stop. Especially if you are an ambitious individual like myself, with big aspirations and goals. This is how I used to think, and it’s why I would continuously beat myself up, become demotivated, and repeat that vicious cycle over and over again.
We need to stop judging our success based on the outcome, and start focusing on the process. (Tweet this!)
By reverse engineering your goals and determining the daily actions needed to achieve them, you will be able to create unstoppable momentum while focusing on what really matters: the process of improving yourself, daily.
There are two main problems with focusing on the outcome of our efforts:
- We lose sight of the growth and progress made along the way
- We neglect to create a strategic system or process that will lead to success
Here’s what we’re going to cover in this post:
- Problems with Outcome-Focused Thinking
- The process-focused framework I used to connect with 75+ millionaires, CEOs, Olympians and more for my roundup post
- Outcome-Focused Thinking Recap
- Helpful Resources
- Free Download
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Problems with Outcome-Focused Thinking
Problem #1: We lose sight of the growth and progress made along the way
When we are solely focused on the outcome of our efforts, we fail to appreciate and recognize the growth and development we experienced while working to achieve our goal. For example, let’s say you set out to add 60 pounds to your bench press max by the end of summer, and you only end up adding 45 pounds. Objectively speaking, you have failed, regardless of the massive improvements and gains you have made.
See the problem here? When we focus on a goal as an outcome, it is black and white whether we succeed or fail. This means that up until the point that you succeed and achieve your goal, you have failed. This perspective is self-defeating and shifts your focus away from the positive improvements you have made, and instead emphasizes the fact that you have failed to reach your goal. No bueno.
Further, constantly longing for a desired outcome and being preoccupied with the future is a harmful and stressful way to live our lives. Many of us have been led to believe that this is how we should think, because when we achieve our desired outcome, then we’ll be happy… right? Wrong. This formula for happiness is scientifically broken.
This is because a happy, positive brain dramatically increases our performance and likelihood of success. But, when we are constantly future-focused, we miss out on the laundry list of benefits that come from a happy and engaged brain. I refer to this dilemma as “the future robbing the present”. Yeah, that’s catchy, I know.
I wish I had known that success would not lead to happiness, but happiness would lead to greater success. I often thought if I got the next good grade, or got into the right school, or got the right job, or got the bestselling book, THEN I would be happy. But success is a moving target for the brain, so every time we have a success, our brain changes the goalpost.
Only after working with Harvard students for a decade and becoming a positive psychology researcher did I realize that the greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy is a positive and engaged brain. And fortunately, happiness is a choice, it just requires dedication, practice, and perseverance.
When we are positive, every business and educational success outcome rises. So my advice is seek real happiness (not just pleasure) first, and your chances of success rise dramatically.
— Shawn Achor, New York Time bestselling author and world-leading expert on the connection between happiness and success.
Want more awesome advice like this? Find out what 75+ top performers like Shawn Achor wish they could tell their twenty something self.SEND NOW
SOLUTION: Shift your focus from the outcome (your goal) to the process (the steps required to achieve your goal).
This mental shift from outcome-focused to process-focused thought increases the likelihood of achieving your goal while also improving your motivation. From a cognitive perspective, this subtle shift in thinking activates the prefrontal cortex of your brain, thus enhancing your ability to plan effectively while reducing anxiety. Here’s a link to a research study (if you’re a nerd, you’ll love this) showing this to be true.
Problem #2: We neglect to create a strategic system or process that will lead to success
If you are hyper-focused on the outcome of our efforts, you neglect to recognize the importance of crafting a strategic plan to achieve your goal. Without a strategic plan, your anxiety and stress levels increase, which as mentioned above, prevents you from tapping into the benefits of a positive brain.
In one experiment highlighting the effectiveness of process-focused thought, researchers tested the performance of UCLA students on an upcoming midterm exam. Students in the outcome simulation group were instructed to mentally simulate themselves receiving the high score they desired. They were told to visualize themselves receiving their exam, viewing their desired grade and feeling proud for having achieved their desired goal.
Students in the process simulation group were instructed to visualize themselves studying for the exam in such a way that would result in them receiving their desired grade. They simulated themselves studying their textbook, reviewing lecture notes and taking notes in preparation of the upcoming exam. Students in both groups were told to perform these mental simulations for five to seven minutes a day for the next five to seven days leading up to the exam.
Students in the process simulation group benefited dramatically from this mental simulation practice. They began studying earlier, spent more hours studying and received grades that were several points higher than students in the outcome simulation group.
SOLUTION: Create a strategic plan to achieve your goal based on the steps and process required to get there.
Reverse engineer your desired outcome by listing out the steps required to achieve your goal. The positive benefits that come from breaking down your goals into actionable steps and shifting the focus from the goal to the process are dramatic.
By focusing on the process and the steps required to achieve your goal, we can overcome this damaging mindset. Instead of focusing on the outcome and viewing your efforts as simply a success or a failure, set yourself up for success by systematically breaking your goal into achievable mini-goals that you can accomplish along the way. Doing so builds momentum, increases motivation and encourages us to perservere.
The process-focused framework I used to connect with 75+ millionaires, CEOs, Olympians and more for my roundup post
Download a 16-point checklist and action guide for creating a massive roundup post, from brainstorming your idea to the moment you hit publish. This is the step-by-step process I used to connect with 75+ influencers and organize my project. SEND NOW
To read my roundup post featuring 75+ top performers, click here.
Here are the steps I used to put together my roundup post project:
Step 1. Identify desired outcome
Desired outcome: Create a roundup post featuring 75+ top performers and influencers
Step 2. List out the high-level steps required to achieve desired outcome
Once I determined my goal, I then broke down what steps I needed to achieve that goal. This included things like determining a roundup post topic that fit my audience, researching top performers I wanted to connect with and feature, creating a list of top performers to pitch, creating an email template, so on and so forth.
Step 3: Create a plan of action
Once you’ve listed out your high-level steps, break them down into actionable monthly, weekly and daily steps.
Example: Month 1 plan of action
Week 1: Brainstorm post ideas, research top performers and create list / spreadsheet
Week 2: Engage with influencers on social media and create email pitch
Week 3: Begin pitching top performers and document outreach
Week 4: Followup and determine top performer’s connections who are a good fit
Your daily schedule will then be determined by your weekly goals. Repeat this process until your action steps are accounted for and your goal is achieved and you take over the world.
Download the 16-point checklist and action guide I used to create my roundup post. This checklist includes everything from brainstorming my idea to the moment I hit publish. SEND NOW
Outcome-Focused Thinking Recap
Forget the outcome. Fall in love with the process and the journey.
Outcome-focused thinking is damaging and de-motivating. When you do this, you lose sight of the growth and progress made along the way, and you neglect to create a strategic system or process that will lead to your success.
Solution 1: Shift your focus from the outcome to the process
Doing so activates your prefrontal cortex and increases your ability to plan effectively while reducing anxiety.
Solution 2: Create a plan of action and strategic process that is required to achieve your goal
Reverse engineer your desired outcome by listing out the steps required to achieve your goal. Use these actions to create a monthly, weekly and daily schedule, and then implement.
In conclusion, learn to fall in love with the process.
This sense of mindfulness will prevent you from allowing the future to rob the present. Stop thinking you’ll be happy or satisfied once you achieve your goal, because you won’t be. Time doesn’t stop and fireworks don’t just start going off when you achieve your goal.
There’s never a perfect time to do anything, so go ahead and do that thing you’ve been wanting to do. Also, achieving goals is a lot more underwhelming than you think they’ll be. Quit thinking you’ll be happy once you’ve achieved them. — Brett McKay, founder of The Art of Manliness
Want more awesome advice like this? Find out what 75+ top performers wish they could tell their twenty something self.SEND NOW
Once you achieve your goal, your life continues the same way as it was before. To really appreciate and be grateful for your successes, you need to foster this sense of mindfulness. Doing this will result in a happier, more positive brain, that will in turn improve your performance.
The journey to become better, to improve and to learn is the success. Success is NOT adding an extra zero to your bank account or losing 10 more pounds on the scale.
I wish I would have taken the time to enjoy my journey more. I’m now starting to catch my breath and do this much more often.
Just taking a second to look up from the chaos and say “wow…this thing is actually working” is pretty phenomenal. Even when we’re having a bad week. Or a bad month.
It’s all gone very quickly. Seems like only yesterday I was squatting down with a notepad and saying to restaurant guests “what can I get you?” I’m realizing now that life will continue to move this fast. This isn’t abnormal. This is normal. Life is here…then it goes. That’s it.
If I could start over again, I’d remind myself to remember and appreciate where I am, not just constantly long for some far-off place I want to be…which, incidentally, I’ll never get to if I’m always pushing the finish line forward.
Yeah, there are more “actionable” strategies that would have been helpful as well in the beginning. Things like copywriting, or setting up websites and all that crap. But I think when it comes down to it, our perceptions of success are always based on where we are going, not where we are now. So if I’d started out already being good at all these things, by comparison, I would still feel scared, anxious and unsure of myself, as all new business owners do.
In taking more time to appreciate my journey, I no longer have to worry about being perfect, I can just focus on doing my best, and over time I know I’ll be a lot more satisfied with my results.
— Daniel DiPiazza, founder of Rich20Something
Want more awesome advice like this? Find out what 75+ top performers wish they could tell their twenty something self.SEND NOW
Be sure that you take the time, daily, to reflect on this and to reflect on how far you’ve come. Fall in love with the journey and the process, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.
Helpful Resources:
- [Video] Trusting the Process with The Biggest Loser’s Erin Willett
- [Video] Happiness First, Then Success: Shawn Achor’s Advice to His Twenty Something Self
- [Video] The Myth of Achieving Your Goals: Brett McKay’s Advice to His Twenty Something Self
- [Video] The Unsexy Side of Entrepreneurship
- [Video] Taking a Moment to Appreciate the Journey: Jason Khalipa’s Advice to His Twenty Something Self
- [Video] A Reminder to Slow Down and Be Conscious About Gratitude
- [Blog] A Practical Guide to Learn New Skills Fast, Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start
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