Connect with Influencers & Explode Your Brand

Connect with Influencers & Explode Your Brand

In June I published a massive round up post featuring more than 85 world class individuals:

  • Olympic gold medalists
  • New York Times & Wall Street Journal bestselling authors
  • multi-millionaires
  • top level CEOs & founders of unicorn companies
  • Super Bowl champions
  • TED speakers

Not only did this project change my life, but it has exploded my brand and online presence while allowing me to form meaningful relationships with high caliber individuals.

The following are just some of the opportunities that have come from these relationships and this project:

Grown my email list from ~200 to nearly 1,000

Email list growth

Increased monthly website traffic by more than 300%

Monthly traffic

Had social media influencers with six-figure followings feature & share my content

What would you tell your 20-something self? Find out from 75+ CEOs and other mavens. (via @differenthunger)
— Daniel Pink (@DanielPink) June 13, 2016
“If you want to get what you’ve never gotten in life, you have to do what you’ve never done” @Weatherford5 #realtalk
— Matt Kohn (@DifferentHunger) May 20, 2016

Collaboration opportunities with acclaimed brands & businesses with similar missions

Awesome chat with @essenceofcin & @jareditor of @InsideQuest / @QuestNutrition today.. Excited to collab & get more ppl outta the matrix!
— Matt Kohn (@DifferentHunger) August 15, 2016

Scheduled interviews with bestselling authors, professional athletes, CEOs, multi-millionaires & more


Built, presold (generating my first $1,000 through my blog) and launched my very first product


Landed a dream client (web design) in Nathan Chan of Foundr Mag


Plus many more awesome things to come…

If just one of the above things happened for you and your business, what would that look like?

As you can tell, connecting with influencers is one of the most powerful things you can do to build your brand and online presence, while generating additional cashflow in the process.

I frequently get asked, “Dude, how the #$@& did you connect with all these people?!” So I want to let you know I heard your requests and now want to help you do the same…