Community Highlights 02

Community Highlights 02

I started this website because I wanted to impact others and build a community. Not just a community, but a movement of twenty somethings committed to not being average. Because being average is pretty lame, let’s be honest.

It’s become very apparent that this community is awesome, especially after hearing about all of the incredible things you guys are working on in the Different Hunger Facebook group, which I created a few weeks ago.

To celebrate all of the awesome and inspiring things that Different Hunger readers are working on, I decided to start sharing community highlights every other week.

I’ll be featuring readers’ stories, blog posts, exciting projects and more that you have shared with me in our Facebook group.

So if you’re not a part of this group already, go ahead and join, intro yourself and keep us posted on what you’re working on!

This group is a place to:

  • share your projects, ideas, and accomplishments
  • ask for advice or give advice
  • share results from things you are working on
  • share video clips of Marshawn Lynch and/or GIFs of DJ Khaled

Click here to join the Different Hunger Facebook group.

Let’s get into this week’s community highlights…

Awesome People Doing Inspiring Things

Arey Karasin: Arey is an entrepreneur and philanthropist based in Canada who has been a long time blogger/writer. He recently became an official contributor to The Huffington Post! Huge congrats to Arey for this accomplishment. In his first post, Arey discusses why empathy is so important when dealing with others, particularly those who are disabled. Click here to read Arey’s first post on The Huffington Post.

Lise Hopland: Lise is a reader from Norway who has been working on an illustrated children’s book for the past year and a half. She recently had her Kickstarter campaign approved and they will be launching within the next few weeks. Great to see all her hard work pay off. You can find out more about her book and Kickstarter campaign here.

Bryan Teare: Bryan Teare is a blogger and podcaster out of South Africa. He shares blogs and interviews in order to help twenty somethings on their journey. I was recently a guest on his podcast, The Quarter Life Podcast, which has enjoyed early success, reaching number 1 in New & Noteworthy under the iTunes Self-Help category. In our interview, we covered the following”

  • Why picking a date for a goal is super powerful
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people
  • Why you just need to start taking action
  • The key principles that all successful people share
  • Why reaching your goals won’t make you happy

Check out the interview here!

Awesome Resources to Change Your Perspective

“You have a lot more in common with the world than you think…”

This video opens up with a series of interviews in which individuals from all over the world openly admit their patriotism and pride, but also racism towards others, saying things like “My country is the greatest in the world.” and “The fact that I’m from ____ makes me more important than ____.”

The interviewers then collect DNA from these participants and two weeks later everyone gets together to go through their results. As it turns out, the same individuals who showed disgust towards those of other races ended up containing a percentage of that race in their DNA.

The purpose of the video is to show that we are all interconnected, meaning that there is simply no room in this life for racism. Thanks to our friend Venkat from India for sharing this video.

How to Waste Money to Improve Your Quality of Life from Tim Ferriss

This podcast episode was shared by Mimi Zheng who is a blogger and career coach:

“Growing up I always had the frugal money mindset, but now I’m working on shifting it. Like I should be saving money all the time instead of spending it. Anyone else going through the same thing?

An example I think of right away is outsourcing tasks for your business that aren’t high yield…your time is the most valuable currency.”

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8AM

This post did extremely well on Medium, receiving more than 25,000 likes.

Here are the 8 things every person should do before 8AM, according to the article:

  1. Get A Healthy 7+ Hours of Sleep
  2. Prayer and Meditation to Facilitate Clarity and Abundance
  3. Hard Physical Activity
  4. Consume 30 Grams of Protein
  5. Take A Cold Shower
  6. Listen to/Read Uplifting Content
  7. Review Your Life Vision
  8. Do At Least One Thing Towards Long-Term Goals

Read the full article here.

How to Hire Your First Employee

In this article by one of our awesome readers, Ashley Olafsen, she reveals four strategies she has used to hire new employees that fit with her company’s vision and culture:

  1. Outline your expectations immediately
  2. Ask the interviewee what they need out of a working relationship
  3. Take thoughtful notes
  4. Use your intution

Read the full article here.

“Be as patient as you are ambitious”

In typical Gary Vee style, he emphasizes the importance of patience on our journey to success and fulfillment. This is certainly relevant for all readers of this website.

So that’s a wrap for this week’s edition of our community highlights. I hope you found the above useful and are motivated by all the awesome people that are a part of this community.

Join the Different Hunger Facebook group and get to know other awesome people like you doing inspiring things.