An Announcement I've Been Waiting to Make for Two Years

It’s been my dream to be able to run my own business from anywhere in the world since college. I craved the freedom to spend time with those who I loved most and doing the things I loved doing.
Working in a job that didn’t fulfill me at the end of the day simply didn’t make sense. Our lives are too fucking short for that.
As you read in my 2015 in Review post, I started a business over the summer, that recently failed. However, it’s impossible to view this experience as a failure because of the incredibly valuable lessons I learned that will enable me to become much more successful in the future. Instead of letting this failure get the best of me, the experience left me empowered. I found the value in starting, taking action, and failing fast.
The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience was this: I’m the only one capable of achieving my goals.
A photo posted by Different Hunger (@differenthunger) on Mar 24, 2016 at 6:01pm PDT
While I was working on growing my business, I was working full-time. As you can imagine, it got pretty stressful at times trying to manage a business while working a full-time schedule.
Despite the stress, I was having a hard time at work for a different reason. I was having a tough time because I wasn’t passionate about the work I was doing. Don’t get me wrong – my coworkers and bosses were great and I’m very thankful for them.
But the problem was simpIe: I didn’t love what I was doing. For me that’s a major problem.
Call me an entitled millennial, but if I’m spending 75% of my waking hours in a job that doesn’t fulfill me at the end of the day, I owe it to myself and to the world to make a change.
I understand that I’m 24, I’m young, I need to ‘build my resume’ and ‘put in the time’, but fuck that. Each and every single one of us is on a timeline, whether we act like it or not.
As mentioned in my 2015 Review, I lost my grandpa and a major role model of mine, Scott Dinsmore, this past year. My brother lost several close friends under the age of 21 to tragic accidents. I don’t know what’s coming for me.
I just knew that I needed to take action.
I started thinking about my options.
Option 1: Look at other jobs. This made the most sense and was the safest. It definitely got a unanimous YES from my parents.
But I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, and look at my goals, and settle for another desk job. It felt like a cop out for me, and a way to just keep delaying what I really wanted to accomplish.
Option 2: Quit my job and build the lifestyle that I have dreamed about since college.
So that’s what I’m doing. I’ve quit my job and bought a one-way ticket to Medellín, Colombia.
No more excuses. Life is short. The perfect time is right fucking now.
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