It's been 1 month since ADH launched. Here are 5 things that I have learned that you can benefit from.

Just over a month ago, on May 1st, I finally launched A Different Hunger after many months and long hours of preparation. It has been an awesome experience and a joy to hear your awesome, encouraging feedback as I slowly begin to build this community. I am anxious to continue building out ADH and impacting as many as I can through this website.
I wanted to take a bit of time and share with you a few things that I have learned in the process of creating ADH that I believe can help you as well, whether you are creating your own website or simply seeking to begin your own project:

1. You can learn as much as you want, about anything you want, whenever you want
I decided to create my website at the beginning of this year. All I had was an idea and a vision for my website – what I didn’t have was any substantial experience in web design, marketing, blogging or creating an online presence. None of my immediate friends had their own websites or their own blogs. So what did I do? I paid a visit to my good friend Google and confided in him (or her?) for the next 3-4 months. Every single day between classes and on weekends I would spend hours reading, researching and taking notes. I studied and did my best to learn as much as possible about the full process of building a website and also gain more knowledge on the topics of fitness, travel, positive psychology and other related areas. And I found that there is an incredible amount of awesome, detailed and useful content that helped me in building my website.
Real-life applicability:
If you are hungry to learn/create/build/freakin’ change the world, there are more than enough resources to help you do so – all you need to do is decide that it is important enough, then invest your time and effort to make it happen.
2. Creativity promotes creativity
Creating this website has been my first real, tangible entrepreneurial venture. Like many, I have always had thoughts swirling around in my ADD-riddled brain, but never turned them into action. However, with college soon coming to a close and “the real world” on the horizon, I decided that it was finally time I converted my ideas into action. Since doing so, it seems that every other day I come up with a new idea regarding a post, a project, a new website, etc. etc. I already have begun working on several side projects that I am extremely excited to get underway and share with you all. Stay tuned!
Real-life applicability:
Creativity causes us to think in novel ways which broadens our perspective and outlook. The more you engage in creative processes, the more you begin to see obstacles or challenges as exciting opportunities.

3. You are only alone if you do not reach out to others
I have found that connecting with others is incredibly easy… especially in today’s day and age where a video you post at 3PM could be viral by dinner time. Using social media and email to your advantage is a very wise move. People want to help – plain and simple! I have been able to chat with, brainstorm, interview, and collaborate with countless people, ranging from young 20-somethings like me who are just getting started to successful entrepreneurs and business owners with many years experience.
How was I able to contact and converse with these people? More often than not, I did so simply by replying to an email which then allowed me to build a relationship with these people. Whatever it is you do, tap into the existing communities and networks for help and guidance. Don’t just sit back and go at it alone.
Real-life applicability:
Tap into existing communities and networks in related areas for help, guidance and collaboration. It is easy to do so and requires minimal effort, but it is essential to developing meaningful relationships that will aid in your success down the road.
4. The most successful people are often the most generous and selfless
In the very first article that I published on ADH, I briefly discussed how I stumbled across Steve Kamb’s famous article – “How To Travel Around the World for $418”. After a bit of Facebook stalking and the help of a friend, Steve kindly agreed to do a video chat with me. Along with Steve, in my first post, I also referenced several others such as Sean Ogle of Location180, David Moore of The New Rich, Benny Hsu at GetBusyLiving and a few more who have been incredibly helpful and inspirational in the process of creating ADH. After my article was published, I sent out several emails to those I referenced letting them know and thanking them for their helpful content. And guess what? I heard back from every single one of them. They all replied to my email, gave me feedback, some took the time to comment on my article, and many of them told me that if I ever needed any help to let them know. Since then, I have been in touch with all of them either by email, phone, video chat or Facebook.
Why would these successful individuals take the time to do this? My theory is that these guys are largely successful because their primary focus is to help others through whatever it is they do. Their cause and purpose is one that transcends their own self-interests and their audience recognizes this and appreciates it, contributing to their success.
Real-life applicability:
Put yourself out there. You’ll be amazed at how open and willing others are to offering their help to you, and the benefits you will reap from doing so will be awesome to say the least.

5. There are people living out your dream
What is your ultimate dream job? Want to travel to every single country in the entire world? It’s been done. You want to work a fraction of the hours everyone else does but get paid more and have an endless amount of time to focus on the things you enjoy most? It’s been done. You want to quit your job and build 200+ schools for children in developing countries? It’s been done.
My ultimate goal is to become a lifestyle entrepreneur like those I previously mentioned. I want to travel and explore the beautiful world we live in while helping others do the same along the way. And while creating this website I have been amazed at just how many people are living in this way. It has been incredibly motivating to see that my goals are actually attainable and being lived out by others. And it only fuels my fire to continue to work hard and achieve my goals.
Is any of this easy? Hell no. As with anything, you need to put in some serious work and devotion to reap the benefits of what you sow. The first step to identify your goals and your aspirations and then continually strive to achieve them.
Real-life applicability:
Find out who is living your dream – study them, learn their story and how they turned their dreams to reality. Lastly, do your best to connect with them!
In conclusion:
What are you waiting for? GIT-R-DONE. If I can help you in any way, please let me know. Thanks for reading.