Get Sh*t Done Email Series

Get Sh*t Done Email Series

Email 1 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [1 of 4]

Email 2 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [2 of 4]

Email 3 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [3 of 4]

Email 4 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [4 of 4]

Email 1 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [1 of 4]

I hope you had an epic first week of 2017. It’s already been an absolute hectic year for me, but the dust is starting to settle and, like you, I can’t wait to ramp things up this year.

To help you get your year started on the right foot (and to show my appreciation for sticking around on my email list despite my horrible jokes) I decided to create a 4-day email series to help you tackle your goals for the year.

Over the next four days I’ll be sending over bite-sized emails with exclusive resources and content to help you make 2017 the year of making it happen.

Here’s what I’ll be sharing:

Email 1: Figure out what you give a sh*t about

Email 2: Create a vision and shift your mindset to prepare for long-term, sustainable change

Email 3: Focus on the process and not the outcome

Email 4: Be consistent and track your progress

Let’s get right into email one… Figure out what you give a sh*t about

The reason most people don’t follow through on their goals are most often because their goals do not align with their core values. In other words, people try to make changes in areas of their lives that they quite simply don’t give a shit about.

So it’s week one and you’re all amped up. When obstacles present themselves you muscle through them. But when week two comes around and the same obstacles are there, they become harder to push through when the change at hand is not something that you deeply care about.

How to solve this problem? Figure out what you care about.

Andrew Horn provided me with this advice to his twenty something self that I have used as a template for answering this very question:

  1. What do I care about?
  2. Who do I want to help?
  3. What do I do that brings me energy?
  4. What am I naturally good at?
  5. What do I want to be really good at?

If you’d like to hear this advice broken down further, watch this video I created talking about this piece of advice.

Tomorrow I’ll be back with Email 2: How to create a vision and shift your mindset to prepare for long-term, sustainable change.

As always, much love and happy new year.

Matt Kohn

Email 2 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [2 of 4]

Email 2 of 4: Create a vision and shift your mindset to prepare for long-term, sustainable change

Hey !

In this email I’ll share some quick tips and resources to help you create a vision for yourself and shift your mindset to prepare for long-term change. In everything that you do, it’s so damn important that you focus on the long game. What’s the point of making a change for 30 days if right after that you revert back to your old, negative habits?


Step 1: Craft your vision

In our last email, I shared some tips to help you figure out what it is that you actually give a shit about. Using that information, you need to next determine a vision for yourself. That’s where everything stems from…

In my own life, I determined my vision as a college senior after witnessing digital nomads living the dream. I created a vision for myself of a life of freedom: working on a laptop, drinking fresh coconut water and just enjoying life. When I was working a desk job for the next 2 years after that, this vision is what kept me motivated.

Here’s how to create a vision for yourself, directly from advice I recieved from Super Bowl Champion Steve Weatherford:

It starts with a vision. It starts with accepting what is wrong in your life, appreciating what is right, but being aware of what is wrong and what you want to improve. That’s your vision.

Identify what your vision is, where you see your life going. Then you need to develop a goal that coincides with getting you to that vision through a plan.

*mic drop*

Step 2: Shift your mindset to prepare for sustainable change

Again, the goal with this email series is not to achieve a goal then check a box and boom done. What the goal is with this content is to implement meaningful, long term change in your life.

That said, your mindset needs to shift from short to long-term. This is the exact strategy my friend Erin Willett used to lose (and keep off) 87 pounds on The Biggest Loser. In this video, Erin talks you through how to make this shift.

Click here to watch the video.

In my next email we’re going to discuss how and why you need to focus on the process and not the outcome when working towards your goals.

You enjoying this email series? Hit reply and let me know!

Much love.

Matt Kohn

Email 3 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [3 of 4]

Email 3 of 4: Focus on the process and not the outcome

The importance of focusing on the process and NOT the outcome was certainly one of the biggest lessons I learned this past year.

As I shared in my blog earlier this year, F*ck Your Goals (which my Mom hated, but most of you loved) I talked about this very thing…

As individuals and as a society, we are way too focused on the outcome of our efforts. We judge our success on a binary scale of 0 or 1. If we didn’t achieve our desired outcome, then we failed.

This is a massive problem that needs to stop. Especially if you are an ambitious individual like myself, with big aspirations and goals. This is how I used to think, and it’s why I would continuously beat myself up, become demotivated, and repeat that vicious cycle over and over again.

We need to stop judging our success based on the outcome, and start focusing on the process.

There are two main problems with focusing on the outcome and not the process:

Problem #1: We lose sight of the growth and progress made along the way

Problem #2: We neglect to create a strategic system or process that will lead to success

Further, let’s say your goal is getting a new job or getting accepted into an exclusive program. If you are working towards these goals with the outcome as your motivation, you are placing your success and happiness in the hands of someone else. How? Despite what you think, you cannot control the outcome of your efforts. You can do all the research and preparation in the world and still not get the job offer or the acceptance letter you’re working towards.

So if you place all your focus and energy into something you cannot control, you are destined for disappointment. The solution to this damaging outcome-focused mindset is simple: focus only on what you can control… showing up every single day and giving it your best effort.

Leave everything on the table and trust that doing so will result in the desired outcome.

Stop attaching your success and your happiness and your satisfaction to an outcome. Attach your success to the effort you put forth in working to improve yourself.

That is what will lead to long-term change and high performance.

Process Over Outcome: The Mindset of Michael Phelps

Don’t take my word for it though, watch this video I created featuring an interview with Michael Phelps in which he reveals this exact mindset.

Again, I’m no genius, but if the arguably best athlete in the history of the world practices this mindset when he is working towards his goals, I’d be willing to bet this attitude and approach would help you at as well… 😉

In my next email, I’ll be sharing with you a comprehensive guide and system that you can implement in just 15 minutes per week to routinely track your progress. This practice has been backed by countless scientific studies and shown to increase your productivity, motivation and overall well-being.

Enjoying this email series? Hit reply and let me know!

Much love.

Matt Kohn

Email 4 // 2017: The Yr of Making Sh*t Happen [4 of 4]

It’s me again  –

I hope you’re not sick of me yet. If you are, don’t worry, this is my last email of the series…

Over the last few days of this email series we’ve covered the following topics to help you officially make 2017 the year of getting shit done:

Email 1: Figure out what you give a sh*t about

Email 2: Create a vision and shift your mindset to prepare for long-term, sustainable change

Email 3: Focus on the process and not the outcome

In today’s email I’m going to share with you the final piece of the puzzle once you’ve gotten started and are ready to crush it: consistently monitoring and tracking your progress.

Last year I thankfully got into this habit after writing my 2015 in review blog post. I started with that, then got into monthly reviews (as you know). Then I started doing weekly reviews, and now I do daily reviews each and every single day. The results have been incredible, not just for my bank account for my mental well-being and clarity day to day…

A massive productivity hack I’ve learned is to conserve mental energy, as much as possible. Why do you think Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg wore/wear the same outfit every single day? Because what you wear on any given day is not a high value, high impact decision. These guys understand how important it is to direct their mental energy and focus on decisions much, much greater than these.

That said, I wanted to share with you a complete system to help you do just that: direct your energy and focus towards tasks that are going to move the dial and help you crush it. This system will help you get started tracking and monitoring your progress as you work towards your goals in 15 minutes per week or less.

Click here to get your personal review system PDF and spreadsheet template.

So that is a wrap for this get shit done email series… No sales pitch here, I just hope you enjoyed this and are ready to get 2017 started in high gear.

I have a lot of exciting things planned for Different Hunger this year. Soon I’ll be launching my interview series which I’m calling Different Hunger TV, and soon after that, I’ll be officially launching my course, The Roadmap, which I went through in ‘beta’ mode with 5 readers back in August.

If you enjoyed this email series, I would really appreciate it if you could share with a friend, either on Twitter or sharing this email.

(If you do, I’ll send over an exclusive interview clip from my interview with musician Trevor Hall, where he talks about the meaning behind Different Hunger, the song that inspired me to name my website)

  • Email a friend. Click here to email a friend!

Thanks a ton for your support. If you would like to refer back to this email series at any point, you can do that by visiting this link.

Here’s to you and a KICKASS 2017.

What was your favorite part of this email series? Hit reply and let me know!

Much love.

Matt Kohn