12-Hr Workdays + The One Piece of Advice I Can't Avoid

It’s 11PM on Tuesday here in Medellín and I’m just now wrapping up my second 12 hour workday in a row.
It’s funny because I’ll talk to my friends on Facebook and they’ll tell me, “Colombia looks awesome! Are you actually getting any work done?”
I laugh and tell them, yes, that’s pretty much all I’ve been doing. I moved down here with one web design client, that’s it. As soon as I got here, it wasn’t party time (despite me wanting to down some aguardiente), it was time to get to work.
To be honest, it was pretty stressful…
But then I started meeting guys, living my dream, as I mentioned in my last video, and I became even more and more motivated.
Then I reminded myself that I purposely put myself in this position. I wanted to cut all safety nets (ie. a steady paycheck) in order to force myself to be uncomfortable. I wanted to leave myself with two options: 1) succeed or 2) fail hard, fail fast and learn from it
It’s a bit stressful sure, but it’s even more exhilarating.
In the last 2 weeks, I’ve spoken to 30 multi-millionaires, best-selling authors and professional athletes, and there’s ONE piece of advice that keeps coming up…
You’ve heard it from me before…
Just. Take. Action.
Don’t talk yourself out of doing THAT thing. Don’t tell yourself you’re not ready. There’s never a perfect moment.
Just do it.
Look – maybe you’ll end up like me.
Maybe your business will fail and you’ll end up in Colombia.. where it’s 75 degrees every day.. that wouldn’t be so bad would it? 🙂
I’m working on some super exciting things (which is why I’ve been speaking to these world-class individuals) currently that I can’t wait to share with you…
Stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to receive more videos.
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